Heart2Heart receive many questions on countless topics. The most
common are to do with abundance, relationships, health and the inability to
create in the physical the lifestyle they feel in their hearts.
The answer to all these questions is the same… Self-love.
Since we left ‘Home/All that is’ and journeyed through this
experience called duality, we’ve looked outside of ourselves to find love,
abundance, health, security and just about every other need we ever felt
including, abuse, pain, detachment and depression. This outward seeking over
the lifetimes has led us on amazing adventures through which we’ve gained
extensive awareness of who we/God is/isn’t.
In this awesome time of new consciousness and new energy, we are finally beginning to feel and realise that we have within ourselves, all the answers and capabilities we were previously seeking from outside of self. Everything you need to create and live a grand, expansive, aware and balanced lifestyle is truly within you.
We’ve spent so much of our past looking outward and trusting
others beliefs over our own, that it can seem alien to now allow yourself to look
within and trust self. It takes time to release the old entrenched behaviours
and gain self-trust, but the struggle is lessened as we realise and accept all
the new energies are here in this lifetime to assist us in our magnificent transition
into our divinehuman status.
I can honestly say from personal experience that when I came into
self-love, the partner beyond my dreams came into my life through ways I never
expected. When I came into self-love and accepted true abundance, I received my
abundance on all levels. When I came into self-love and accepted my body could
heal itself and allowed it, my body healed itself. When I came into self-love
and let my divine nature dance with my human self, illusions became reality and
reality became illusions. When I came into self-love I saw there was no right
or wrong, just experience, my judgements fell away and joy danced in its place.
When I came into self-love and accepted myself and all people and all things as
they are in the now… I found freedom on all levels.
The question we usually hear when we share our awareness of
self-love is, ‘But, how do I love myself?’
By doing exactly what we were taught by society and religion not
to do… to love yourself more than anyone or anything! You must be the most
important person in your ‘world’ to change your ‘world’.
Are you feeling any anxious feelings or deep irritations from that
statement?... If you are, that’s your past life behaviour patterns of looking
outside of yourself throwing a fearful tantrum… asking you not to do it
differently, not to be selfish, not to trust this thing called self-love.
In truth, you can’t give anything to anyone else if you don’t
first have it within yourself. Self-love is not selfish, it’s selfless. The
wonderful side effect of self-love is that you automatically become a ‘Standard’
for humanity and spirit alike. The grand and creative potentials you generate
from loving self are the same potentials you place in front of humanity for
them to leap into if and when they choose. As more people fall into self-love
and radiate out to the world, a domino effect is created allowing the awakening
of humanity to occur at a rapid pace.
I could say, ‘Trust me it works!’… but I can only say that to
myself… and because I do trust and love myself, I’ve seen situations and people
around me go through grand changes in ways I never before thought possible.
I’m not going to sugar coat it, the truth is, moving into
self-love is deeply challenging, confusing and heart aching as you begin to let
go of who you thought you were. It’s particularly difficult to release the old
patterns you have with children and those you love deeply. You feel as if you’re
deserting them, as if it’s wrong to love self more than them. These are your
great challenges, but in truth as you love self more, you’re allowing yourself
to love them beyond the old karmic and ancestral patterns which release them
also and gives them new clear potentials to embrace if they choose. Releasing
my daughter was the hardest for me. It led to a lot of deep emotional unravelling.
In my heart I knew no greater gift to give her than the freedom from old
patterns and the awareness of self-love. At times it was difficult to stay in
that self-love as I missed having her around… but in my core I knew that if I did, it would
benefit her in the grandest ways. Now, with a warm heart, I can say we have a new acceptance in our relationship which continues to expand.
It takes courage to make the choice to be all that you are and step out of the old mass consciousness quagmire. There are many times you feel you want to give in and hide within an old behaviour, addiction or drama. There are times you feel you want to die, and in a sense you do, yet you stay in your body and breathe and transform and emerge like a butterfly with a new expanded awareness of self.
Then there are days you wake up and you can’t put your finger on
it, but you know you’ve changed… you feel ‘lighter’, a little hollow, a little
unsure. You realise deep within that you’ve stepped through something, released
something and you know it’s wonderful even tho you may not be able to
understand what it is in your mind. So much of the old illusion of who you
thought you were fades and you start to hear a new voice in your heart… your
voice. From that moment you realise joy and freedom are now foremost in your
feelings rather than the old fears and challenges. From that moment, the
challenges are less potent and you find you move past the old issues with very
little game-playing or without engaging at all. You also become aware that yes,
the universe is supporting you in your choice to be all that you are… and the
journey into self continues with more ease and excitement than trepidation.
Self-love is self-acceptance in the now moment... from there,
Anything IS Possible!
By Sue Norman
Yes, it is only a conscious choice away,
ReplyDeleteand yes I know from personal experience
...Anything Is Possible!