Thursday, 6 June 2013

Being Open and Honest

For some time Sue and I have been exploring the effect of being very open and honest about feelings and emotions on the open heart consciousness.
For me being more open and honest about my feelings has made a huge difference, as it has allowed me to release any insecurities and anxieties around my feelings and this has just allowed my heart to open more. It’s made me realise how we keep our hearts closed by not allowing ourselves to express our emotions honestly and openly for fear of retribution or judgement by others and to just express ourselves without being self-conscious or insecure.

When we only reveal or know part truths about ourselves or others we are close to, the ‘unknown’ which provides a fertile ground for aspects as they feed on uncertainty and insecurity. When we are completely open, honest and transparent about our feelings, emotions and motivations, this type of aspect behaviour disappears completely as the aspects no longer have anything to work with. The openness is like shining a light into the dark corners and the aspects just evaporate. Even when a lot of our emotions and feelings are aspect generated, such as anger, jealousy, insecurity, abandonment, etc, it is better to be open and honest about them than deny them. It doesn’t mean you’re playing with the aspect but you are acknowledging your humanness and embracing ‘all that you are’.

We tend to deny or suppress these type of emotions because we’re not proud of them; or believe they are not acceptable; or that they might be judged by another, and every time we do this we are judging ourselves and placing another restriction on our open hearted expression; placing another layer around the heart. To be able to continue opening the heart it is important to be open and honest and unselfconscious about all that we are. This might seem very challenging at first but it’s like a breath of fresh air when you do, and comes with a huge sense of freedom as there is no more hiding. It does require a very safe space; a very loving and supportive environment and a lot of courage to dig the skeletons out of your closet, and it can be difficult for others to share in your honesty, but it's really about you being honest with yourself. You have to live with you 100% of the time and if that isn't comfortable it's not self-accepting, not self-loving and not self-expansive.

By Natacha Anthoni

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