Sunday, 9 June 2013

Heart2Heart On Abundance

Question: What I would really wish you could answer is the abundance issue. How an Ascended Master finds the money to buy the big house, the nice clothes, the good car, the tickets and the hotel for a trip to a spa, the furniture, the visits to the hair salon etc.
Adamus said the money that will come through an inheritance or an abundance manifestation in our life, we should invest in ourselves. What he means by that? Buy things to make us happier or use the money to start a small business? And what business would be that? I'm very puzzled about the matter of employment and money because I don't see how the money is going to find me if I don't act. How many people have to die so that I get richer? :o))))
Ok, I will inherit a house from my parents but I don’t want them to die. I want cash, so how a jobless ascended Master manifests the big, nice things just by doing alchemy and breathing in the potentials? We have to do a workshop, offer a service and do something, right?  Money will grow in his garden? Will he need a job or a service whatever to earn money or every time he needs it, a pay check will arrive. But how this miracle is going to happen and how the synchronicities work when you stay in the house all day and just enjoy being without moving your finger? I'm still wondering, not sure how the money will appear but I totally agree that most jobs are pure slavery and an Ascended Master should be free of this crap. Can I have money without working or I have to do something out there? Conclusion is: you have to do something.

Sue Norman: Conclusion is… you have to get out of your head and release the questions! Trust that you are already abundant and allow… that’s really doing something!

The first thing to accept is that you are already abundant. Your feelings/illusions of lack of abundance are just created for your human experience. Have you had enough of the experience of lack yet? If so, then make a new choice to embrace your abundance on all levels (not just finances) and in this amazing new energy, let that choice go free to create itself without any if’s, but’s or maybe’s. Then you just get on with your day in total acceptance of your abundance. If thoughts come in attached to a lack of abundance, just tell yourself that you don’t play that game anymore and let the thought go. The old thoughts gradually transform by themselves when you don’t play with them.

People keep their abundance separate from them by wanting to know how, when, where and why the abundance is coming from rather than just trusting it’s already there. The human mind has such a limited perception of how money can come in eg jobs, inheritance, lottery… The divine self has no limitations just a huge pool of new, untapped potentials for you to choose from.
Adamus asks you to invest in yourself. He invites you to love yourself unconditionally, to make grand choices not little human choices and then allow the abundance to flow in to match your grand choice. Your life is about you… invest in you! It’s your play, your stage, how abundantly will you design the sets and write the acts? And then when you choose to love yourself and let yourself be all that you are, a beautifully designed by-product develops where everyone can benefit from your ‘shining’, radiating, standard example.

As for material possessions, you don’t have to have a huge home in the best suburb or a flash car and nice clothes… but you know you can if you choose. I have these things now after a lifetime of ‘just enough’ and they’re great fun, but my real joy is what I feel within myself for myself… the love, the acceptance, the trust and the freedom on all levels. That’s real abundance and it has no price tag, it can’t be bought. You don’t need to seek your abundance because it’s already within you… you have that abundance just as you have the self-love, just as you have your ascension…. It’s all within you, it always was.

Then on the human side you say, “But there are still bills to pay and food to buy!” Yes there are and since I chose to stay in the physical I too have these ‘bills’. Personally, I don’t even think about them. I know they’re there, I accept that’s a part of human life and living so I just trust my abundance to balance it all out. I’ve got so much more to enjoy and play with and create without needing to focus on all the little human things.

True manifestation of abundance is based on just accepting and trusting your abundance is there and allowing it to manifest in the most appropriate way, which is usually outside the realms of basic human comprehension. Take internet banking and shopping; money spends more time these days being sent through the air on electronic energy waves. You actually have very little contact with actual physical money. Tap into that energy wave, put your hand up and direct some of that energy to you. Another game is to just choose money to ‘multiply’ in your purse. I never count my money, but I always have plenty in my purse. How many times have you gone to your wallet/purse and been surprised at money you didn’t know you had? You are an alchemist whether you accept it or not and so often you do little things to keep reminding self of that… then self often hands the praises over to ‘coincidence’.

Years back after my husband left me, I went to the government to assist me financially in raising my children. That was wonderful for a period as it allowed me space to ‘get my head together’. In time that assistance became controlling and abusive as most government institutions are. I still remember the inner shift I had when I went to the Government and told then I no longer wanted to trade handouts to seek jobs I would never choose to do. I also remember how they fought to keep me on their books and stay caught in their control. From that day of release, my healing/counselling/art therapy business suddenly took off and I never needed another’s assistance again… I always had enough.

Then the day came when I no longer wanted to just ‘have enough’. Soon after, my elderly Mother passed over and yes, there was inheritance, but I didn’t spend it as I still didn’t know how to handle abundance.  I was still caught in ‘just enough’. It wasn’t until my trip to Bali (that I wrote of previously 13-10-2012) that I realised abundance, wealth, was just a perception.

My inheritance sat there relatively untouched for quite a while. I still created enough abundance for my chosen lifestyle and I often wondered why so much money was there for me and what I would give myself. As the interest rose, so did my acceptance of abundance. Then the day of my deep self-acceptance and awareness finally came. With very little thought, I chose to leave my life as I knew it, and move to a new country to be with my new partner in a wonderfully grand home with grand car in a most beautiful setting that had in it all I’d ever wished for. None of this was by chance… it was all there and it all just fell into place magically for Natacha and I simply from our choice to be all that we are.

On the subject of inheritance, you know the potential is there for you, but you push it away by stating you don’t want your parents to die. I didn’t want my parents to die either but it was their choice and I know they are so very happy that they were able to assist me in becoming who I AM. (I’ve been in contact with my Mum often since she passed).  We all die… many times! Your choice to allow your inheritance to come in doesn’t mean you’re signing their death certificate! 

  As for work, well right now I’m just enjoying living and getting to know me, my partner, my new country and my new freedom more clearly. However, I know the time will come when I will want to do more… I feel the passion building already. But ‘work’ is not what I choose. I choose to enjoy what I do whether it’s working in a place of business with others or expanding my own business. I’m past doing things for money, but I’m also past doing things for no payment. What I’m doing here typing now has great ‘payment’ as what I’m typing teaches me more about me and perhaps it may even assist another… perhaps even you? So, whether you see work as work just to earn a wage or as a joy or new adventure, it’s up to you. Anything can be fun if that’s how you choose to perceive it. Then of course, it’s all just an experience and you can change that anytime you choose.
One last point… Removing the illusion of timeframes is also important in creating abundance. Be in the now… You ARE abundant now... you always were.

By Sue Norman 

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