Monday, 10 June 2013

My Ascension

Ever since I was a child I kept a diary. I found clarity for what I felt in what I wrote. When I was 33 I had a huge awareness shift that returned me to the path of my spiritual ‘Awakening’. I had fallen from that path about the age of 5 as talking to spirit was frowned upon.

For the past 23 years I’ve continued to write my experiences, but instead of keeping them hidden under my bed, I felt compelled to share them. As I shared my awakening, I found that others related to my experiences and my words assisted them towards their own awakenings.

On the 3rd of September, I had another personal expansion… I ascended in my physical body. I’d known for a few years that I would ascend in this lifetime. I also knew the energies of 2012 would be most suitable for such a shift to come about. Now, I’m being encouraged by both spirit and the few people I’ve shared my ascension with to start writing again and share my experiences, prior to, during and after my ascension.

Firstly I’d like to share some of the insights that I've gained from my personal experience and from chats with Adamus.

Apparently at this stage of our evolution, according to Adamus, there are only about 20 who have ascended in physical body at present... I can see that number expanding quickly before the end of this year.

How did I know I ascended?... I felt such a shift, clarity in my core that simply led me only to one totally obvious knowing... Ascension!... then at the moment of awareness, Adamus was there congratulating me with a warm embrace.

After Adamus's sharing on ‘Freedom’ last Sunday, he and I have had a few chats during which he has suggested that I share with you the experience of my personal ascension in the physical body. 

His reasoning behind this sharing is to assist Shaumbra in particular to recognize just how close they are to the awareness and acceptance of their personal ascension and that it doesn't look anything like what they thought... it's just a natural transition.

Adamus and some other AM's feel that if humans are aware of people they know and trust that have gone through their process, then it will encourage them more, make it more real, than just hearing/feeling it from a dis-embodied spirit through channel! 
There's so much encouragement from spirit at present to awaken to self and slide in on this new energy/new consciousness at this amazing time of transition/expansion. It really is time to just let all the old go and leap... 

The energy had been building over the past weeks since I left Australia... then after 7 weeks away, I went back to see my family and friends, so I thought... I know now I went back to clear the last of the family/ancestral karma and energy games and bring the final aspects home.

Final aspects she says?... yup!!!! So does that mean I don’t play anymore games? It’s curious that for those who ascend out of the physical and totally into self with no other beings around eg, like Adamus, there are no human feelings as such flowing through their ‘fabric’ of self to play games with. I’ve found that ascending in the physical is a little more experiential. While I have no aspect games going on, I’m not alone with myself. I still feel emotions in and around me. I still exist in a world of mass consciousness not the original ascended world of self. So, what I feel are behaviour patterns that might ‘capture’ you for a brief moment, but then because there’s no aspects to play, those behaviour are easily released… its sort of like playing out the final vibrations/echoes around old behaviours. Then when the behaviour is exhausted… it clears totally. There’s just no desire/need to play.

All games were played to gain energy from outside of self or give away energy. I have full awareness/experience now that all I ever need is totally within… not just a mental knowing, but an absolute acceptance and understanding in core levels.

On a physical side, I have a few aches and the occasional physical discomfort as my body acclimatises to ‘housing’ such a new consciousness and energy. I know that will all balance soon enough so I just allow and let them run their course. I feel there are also physical issues that are related to the ‘concepts’ of old behaviour patterns that are naturally and totally releasing themselves.

Because Natacha and I have shared many lifetimes together, my ascension has released any feeding patterns we shared from any of our lifetimes together. The clarity, love, playfulness that we share now has just amped up through the roof! I’ve never experienced such feelings with a partner before… such a deep, open heart connection…. and it just keeps expanding!

It’s amazing to be able to share this depth of self-love with another to the degree that the dance of love between you is felt in every cell and dimension of self. These feelings are also starting to manifest in all we do which is changing our lifestyle noticeably. The children are also making very noticeable shifts just from being in our energy. They are wonderful barometers of where and who we are.

Our home has also gone through changes as it seems after our first workshop we were informed by spirit that we opened a portal of higher learning… and you can feel it. It’s all just expanding bigger and ‘better’ each moment.
Adamus also answered my question/awareness that all the dimension leaping I did with Xena and in the AIPD over the past 2 years was greatly beneficial in bringing me to my ascension!
Currently I'm having fun playing with the illusion of the physical realm and the truth that everything here is our/my creation and the energy can be transformed into anything I choose anytime eg... the bed is not old and a bit uncomfortable, it's now transformed into a very comfortable new bed. It sure is a lot of fun creating with such open clarity.
Last week I gave 6 hours of free energy balancings/healings at the local Spirit Fair. My energy was more expanded than I've previously felt, yet I also felt totally grounded at the same time. My physical body however seemed to struggle with the expansions as the following day I had a few pains in my leg, hip and back joints, perhaps from being on my feet most of the day as well... but my energy remained expanded and grounded.

At one stage I was a little despondent as I knew my energy was somewhat disrupting Natacha especially as we slept. That caused me to feel deeper within to see if there were any old patterns raising their heads... perhaps a few momentarily, but as they have no aspects to play with and no old feeding patterns to rely on, they moved through quickly.

At one stage I felt, 'what is the purpose of ascending in the physical if it's disruptive to others around you?'... I also felt another old behaviour come up of 'It's lonely going through this by myself... again!'... but that release quickly also.

All up I guess it’s not a bad response from my first real day of expanding with the masses since my ascension.  

Something I really enjoy is how much my intuition has 'ammped' up and chatting with the ascended Masters is more common, or I'm more conscious of our chats. Also, lately my hearing and eyesight have begun to improve as the biological rejuvenation kicks in. Most noticeable regarding physical change is that my eyes are shifting in and out of their normal green/grey to very light blue.

Also on a human release, for the past year I've started snoring at night... not something I find comfortable as it affects my throat. I made a choice a couple of days ago to let it go... I then found old breathing patterns recognized from past smoking habits and 'little self' creations of asthma and bronchial issues... the physical asthma and regular bronchitis I released years ago but the breathing habits obviously stayed. On choosing that deeper physical release, the past few nights have been clear of snoring and my throat on waking, not uncomfortable at all. 

For now, I feel fully abundant in every meaning of the word and totally in a space of ‘natural’ creator ability. I have no needs or desires as such and my clarity of ‘seeing’ is just wonderful. Two other points that come to mind are that the process of ascension is no different to perhaps going from primary school to high school. There are no fanfares, levitation, fireworks or grand celebrations that rock the Universe… just a beautiful shift that’s very personal and just is.

Life on all levels and dimensions is bloody fantastic!!!

I would also like to include in these notes, some of the questions I’ve been asked by others and I welcome any other questions you may have.

Question: My biggest challenge is the fear, even though I know it's an illusion. Did you feel fear at that moment?

Sue Norman: I felt many emotions just prior especially since leaving my home town of 56 years and my children, grandchildren, friends, my work and clients... leaving all I thought I was for a new country, a new love, a new me.
Everything was thrown into a type of turmoil, but in doing so I was surprised at how natural it felt. There was no other clear, obvious choice in my heart. Letting go of everything had emotional attachments and there were tears, but tears of release not loss. I knew in my heart it was a time to recognize the emotions for what they were and to choose not be affected/controlled by them... that brought the final aspects 'home'. I stayed in the acceptance of my choice to be all that I am without push or desire. At the actual moment... I felt clear... I felt me... I felt real and yes, free.

Question: We are all thirsty to know, although we are all already ascended but not conscious of it according to me, how you deal with the BIG human issues= Health, money, manifestation of desires and then what new powers opened for you. Can you see spirits all the time now? Do you perceive more colours? Can you pass through walls? 
The last one was a joke.
I have more questions but I'm sure they will be answered either in a form of a blog or a book. For instance, do you feel bored

Sue Norman: How to attain health, money and power?… questions we’ve all wanted answered since… forever! My health isn’t an issue at all as I trust my body to keep finding balance. In the past I learnt to release cancers and asthma with the ease of choice… so I see no issues at all… and that’s my choice. I have manifested my abundance in the past couple of years. It was perfect timing so I could spend this time now just in the experience of ascension without abundance issues or needing to work… and that too was just a choice. I will add I released my abundance issues a few years back when I was on holiday in Bali. In Australia I was on the lower income levels, yet in Bali I was so incredibly rich. The only difference was my perception… so I changed it and my abundance came in. Remember, you can have a truck load of money, but still have abundance issues.

What new powers opened? None really. All that I am just expanded and became obvious. I had it in me the whole time. I just had to realise/remember that.

Do I get bored... no.
I haven't really done any work since being in NZ either. I just love living in the now, feeling the clear, expanded energies, chatting more clearly to spirit, understanding my body's needs and how old behaviours get stuck in a body and gradually come out. I’m just cruising in the now and choosing to be all that I AM. Natacha said this morning that I'm looking younger... I feel younger. I know it’s just a choice to let the biology balance and rejuvenate… so that is my choice. Now I leave that choice to manifest without any need to keep ‘affirming’ it.

Most of all I feel incredible depths of joy, I feel so much love and I seem to melt on the love energy... it’s so sensual.

Question: What’s the most important thing you learn in going into ascension?

Sue Norman: There are several things. Love and acceptance of self and all things as they are, the breath and trust. To ascend I had to go fully into myself, fully accept and love myself. Even tho I had a new loving partner, I focused on going into myself and that’s where I’d find her… never outside of myself. The more love I had for myself the more love I had for her… and everyone and everything else.

I had to leap through all the fears and negative behaviours and beliefs… I had to accept them and choose to do it all differently even when I didn’t know what it would look like… I just trusted. I laughed with myself when I fell into old patterns and let the new in. I had a lot of fun doing things differently and trusting it would all come together and it always did in exciting new ways beyond what my mind could have thought up.

By Sue Norman

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