Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Embrace Your Changes

Most relationship conflicts arise simply because one, both or more people in a relationship won’t let the other(s) change. 

Relationships are repeatedly established through need not love. They are generally based upon long term negative energy patterns and emotional games… games that keep one or more persons’ small. One person is usually dominant, controlling, abusive and needs to feed off others. Their ‘victims’ usually display poor me behaviours and allow the pattern to continue. This isn’t to say all relationships are deeply negative, but they usually have some degree of this patterning because it’s the most common and most time tested pattern underlying mass consciousness. In other words, we accept it usually without question because… well, after all, most people do it!

Supporting each other’s self-lacking behaviour is often the bond that keeps people together and not the love they profess to be sharing. Love has no feeding behaviours… love is accepting of self and others for where they are in the moment. They set up elaborate feeding programs so that when one person wants to stop playing and step into their own energy, the other knows how to prevent them. The usual blocking phrase is, “You think you’ve changed!... you haven’t changed a bit”.

That phrase is specifically used to make the victim feel small again. It sets up conflict between what the person is choosing and feeling and what their partner/friend/parent/teacher/colleague is telling them because it’s been human nature to believe others rather than self. The victim will then usually feels deeply saddened that they couldn’t rise above the old views of self, gives their energy away again, and the old game continues. Sometimes the game will change pattern if the feeding is weakened. We have a myriad of designs to keep ourselves in old behavioural patterns.

This behaviour isn’t wrong; it’s just a fact that since time began, people have assisted each other in exploring little human behaviours and patterns in this manner. But, in this time of total new consciousness and acceptance, we are all feeling the deep inner desire to step out of these old confining behaviours and thoughts and step into our divine human status. The beautiful thing is, once you make the choice to step out of these old patterns now, the new energy kicks in and assists you to manifest your choice in ways you couldn’t in the past. The time to embrace change IS NOW!

It takes courage to feel that there’s a different way to live. It takes self-belief to make the choice to change and stay in that change. It takes a strong heart to say “I don’t care if you don’t choose to see who I am now… I don’t care if you can’t see past the past… I can… I am!”

As you shed your old self and release the old patterns, your relationship will change because they can’t continue to create drama with you if you don’t join in. They will either change with you or seek others to join in with their energy games. Losing friends or partners is difficult… but it’s more difficult to stay with them. As I’ve gone through all my changes on my journey to enlightenment many of my relationships have fallen by the way side… only to bring in clearer more loving ones… and many have also changed with me. There’s no more missing out or ‘poor me’ or need to control… you simply release the games and come into self-love… that’s all the ‘energy’ you will ever need to fuel your divine human life.

By Sue Norman with love and honour 

Sunday, 16 June 2013


Heart2Heart receive many questions on countless topics. The most common are to do with abundance, relationships, health and the inability to create in the physical the lifestyle they feel in their hearts.

The answer to all these questions is the same… Self-love.

Since we left ‘Home/All that is’ and journeyed through this experience called duality, we’ve looked outside of ourselves to find love, abundance, health, security and just about every other need we ever felt including, abuse, pain, detachment and depression. This outward seeking over the lifetimes has led us on amazing adventures through which we’ve gained extensive awareness of who we/God is/isn’t.

In this awesome time of new consciousness and new energy, we are finally beginning to feel and realise that we have within ourselves, all the answers and capabilities we were previously seeking from outside of self. Everything you need to create and live a grand, expansive, aware and balanced lifestyle is truly within you.

We’ve spent so much of our past looking outward and trusting others beliefs over our own, that it can seem alien to now allow yourself to look within and trust self. It takes time to release the old entrenched behaviours and gain self-trust, but the struggle is lessened as we realise and accept all the new energies are here in this lifetime to assist us in our magnificent transition into our divinehuman status.

I can honestly say from personal experience that when I came into self-love, the partner beyond my dreams came into my life through ways I never expected. When I came into self-love and accepted true abundance, I received my abundance on all levels. When I came into self-love and accepted my body could heal itself and allowed it, my body healed itself. When I came into self-love and let my divine nature dance with my human self, illusions became reality and reality became illusions. When I came into self-love I saw there was no right or wrong, just experience, my judgements fell away and joy danced in its place. When I came into self-love and accepted myself and all people and all things as they are in the now… I found freedom on all levels.
The question we usually hear when we share our awareness of self-love is, ‘But, how do I love myself?’

By doing exactly what we were taught by society and religion not to do… to love yourself more than anyone or anything! You must be the most important person in your ‘world’ to change your ‘world’.

Are you feeling any anxious feelings or deep irritations from that statement?... If you are, that’s your past life behaviour patterns of looking outside of yourself throwing a fearful tantrum… asking you not to do it differently, not to be selfish, not to trust this thing called self-love.

In truth, you can’t give anything to anyone else if you don’t first have it within yourself. Self-love is not selfish, it’s selfless. The wonderful side effect of self-love is that you automatically become a ‘Standard’ for humanity and spirit alike. The grand and creative potentials you generate from loving self are the same potentials you place in front of humanity for them to leap into if and when they choose. As more people fall into self-love and radiate out to the world, a domino effect is created allowing the awakening of humanity to occur at a rapid pace.

I could say, ‘Trust me it works!’… but I can only say that to myself… and because I do trust and love myself, I’ve seen situations and people around me go through grand changes in ways I never before thought possible.

I’m not going to sugar coat it, the truth is, moving into self-love is deeply challenging, confusing and heart aching as you begin to let go of who you thought you were. It’s particularly difficult to release the old patterns you have with children and those you love deeply. You feel as if you’re deserting them, as if it’s wrong to love self more than them. These are your great challenges, but in truth as you love self more, you’re allowing yourself to love them beyond the old karmic and ancestral patterns which release them also and gives them new clear potentials to embrace if they choose. Releasing my daughter was the hardest for me. It led to a lot of deep emotional unravelling. In my heart I knew no greater gift to give her than the freedom from old patterns and the awareness of self-love. At times it was difficult to stay in that self-love as I missed having her around… but in my core I knew that if I did, it would benefit her in the grandest ways. Now, with a warm heart, I can say we have a new acceptance in our relationship which continues to expand.

It takes courage to make the choice to be all that you are and step out of the old mass consciousness quagmire. There are many times you feel you want to give in and hide within an old behaviour, addiction or drama. There are times you feel you want to die, and in a sense you do, yet you stay in your body and breathe and transform and emerge like a butterfly with a new expanded awareness of self.

Then there are days you wake up and you can’t put your finger on it, but you know you’ve changed… you feel ‘lighter’, a little hollow, a little unsure. You realise deep within that you’ve stepped through something, released something and you know it’s wonderful even tho you may not be able to understand what it is in your mind. So much of the old illusion of who you thought you were fades and you start to hear a new voice in your heart… your voice. From that moment you realise joy and freedom are now foremost in your feelings rather than the old fears and challenges. From that moment, the challenges are less potent and you find you move past the old issues with very little game-playing or without engaging at all. You also become aware that yes, the universe is supporting you in your choice to be all that you are… and the journey into self continues with more ease and excitement than trepidation.

Self-love is self-acceptance in the now moment... from there, Anything IS Possible!

By Sue Norman

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Past Life Regression

Question: Do you do past life regressions?... Maria

Answer: No Maria we don’t do past life regressions. It’s not that we couldn’t assist you in regressing, it because we choose not to.

Most people feel they want to regress in order to discover why they have certain behaviours: eg addictions, abusive relationships etc., or fears: eg spiders, heights, commitment etc. Some want to know why they feel an instant attachment to another person or to a place.

In truth, you’ve lived hundreds of lifetimes and the behaviour you look to release may be entrenched and entwined in dozens and dozens of those lives. The search and the unravelling from so many attached lifetimes can be deeply traumatic, lengthy and costly. You can even come up against aspects in those past lives that don’t want to be changed so they hide themselves or create a trickery that can lead to more confusion and intensified trauma. I Have personally assisted many people in releasing the trauma they’ve experienced from undergoing past life regressions and Hypnotherapy.

I sincerely believe, the only truly safe and effective way to release current behaviours and fears, is to deal with them where/when you are experiencing them… in this NOW moment, in THIS lifetime. You are not your past… you are not your future… you are here now!

When you deal with a presenting issue in the now moment, there is no added trauma or lengthy unravelling from numerous past lives to deal with. Also, when you accept, release and heal the issue in the now, that energy flows back through your timelines and literally heals and alters your past. It’s a total release without the trauma or illusion of healing… it’s freedom.

By Sue Norman

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

If You Knew Then....

How many times have we heard the question, “If you knew then what you know now, would you do it differently?”…. and most of us said willingly, “I wouldn’t change anything!”

The truth is, we say we wouldn’t change anything as a form of comfort for self because we either believed that we needed all the pain and drama to get to this point or we figured there’s no way of ‘going back’ so why torment ourselves with ideas and potentials we perceived as impossible.

Now, as I embrace the full acceptance of self, All that I Am, ascension, enlightenment… whatever tag you’re comfortable with… I realise I Am doing it all again, in this lifetime… differently!

From the space of self-acceptance/self-love, I’m now making choices to live this lifetime totally differently to the little human perspective of who I thought I was! I don’t mean I’m just doing it differently from what I’ve learnt from who I thought I was previously, I mean I’m living my life ‘instead’ of how I chose and created previously.

I’m allowing myself to not only love and experience myself as a divine human, but I’m also allowing myself to unconditionally love others, friends, partner, step children…. I’ve had many friends and lovers previously, but I never allowed myself to really, honestly love them because I didn’t really love myself. I held myself back even when it came to my children… my love and parenting skills were limited by my lack of self-love. Now, I’m releasing the judgement, illusions and games that made me small. In choosing to change my perceptions, actions and consciousness and do it differently in this NOW, I know that this potentially changes the reality for all those people that experienced me as less than all that I am (if they choose).

Let’s face it… everything’s occurring in the now moment… time frames are a human illusion so we can understand experience. If it’s all in the now, you CAN choose to do it differently in the now.

And then, if we take it further and release the illusion of right or wrong, we free ourselves even more and create even grander lifetimes. (Don’t worry you won’t hurt anyone, if you can grasp the concept of no right or wrong, you’re too evolved to create pain or drama anyway).

Why is all this coming up now?… perhaps because my birthday is only a few days away and while I’ve chosen to party and celebrate this occasion, I’m also choosing to release the ‘numbers’ which kept me attached to old aging beliefs and patterns that kept me out of the now and assisted in concealing my true awareness of self.

By Sue Norman

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


As I had been having another run in with my dark aspect a couple of weeks ago and having trouble shaking it off again, I asked Adamus to come and breathe with me yesterday which was very grounding and he also gave me some advice that I thought I’d pass on.. not that it isn’t anything we haven’t heard before but the reminder was helpful to me and maybe it is to you too.

He said: can you trust that everything is absolutely perfect just as it is? That it’s all just an experience? ..But I don’t like the experience!.. then choose another one and trust that everything will work out just fine.

It’s not that profound but it made me realise that instead of struggling to release the grip of this aspect, all that was really required was just a change in perception and my attitude, and TRUST that everything will be just fine.

Which brings me to my favourite topic at the moment.. TRUST! For me this is really the crux of what we are doing here, or the ‘secret’ as someone was asking me recently. Trust isn’t just a concept; it is a feeling, an experience. It is being able to so absolutely relax and surrender into yourself because you totally trust that everything is just perfect and in divine order. It is not needing to hold up any energetic walls to protect yourself or to project your energy to force your will. While you are struggling to make your life what you think it should be, you’re not trusting and you’re not allowing the energies to flow, because you’re holding everything in so tightly. As you allow yourself to surrender into you, into life, you allow your energy to naturally expand and be in a state of receiving instead of pushing and blocking.

Can you open to yourself so completely that you have no fear of anything.. even the dark aspects? Can you trust that everything around you is in perfect divine order? Can you trust that YOU are perfect and having just the right experiences for you at this moment? And if you don’t like the experience just choose a different one and TRUST that all will unfold as it should. It is all just a change of perception!

By Natacha Anthoni

Monday, 10 June 2013

My Ascension

Ever since I was a child I kept a diary. I found clarity for what I felt in what I wrote. When I was 33 I had a huge awareness shift that returned me to the path of my spiritual ‘Awakening’. I had fallen from that path about the age of 5 as talking to spirit was frowned upon.

For the past 23 years I’ve continued to write my experiences, but instead of keeping them hidden under my bed, I felt compelled to share them. As I shared my awakening, I found that others related to my experiences and my words assisted them towards their own awakenings.

On the 3rd of September, I had another personal expansion… I ascended in my physical body. I’d known for a few years that I would ascend in this lifetime. I also knew the energies of 2012 would be most suitable for such a shift to come about. Now, I’m being encouraged by both spirit and the few people I’ve shared my ascension with to start writing again and share my experiences, prior to, during and after my ascension.

Firstly I’d like to share some of the insights that I've gained from my personal experience and from chats with Adamus.

Apparently at this stage of our evolution, according to Adamus, there are only about 20 who have ascended in physical body at present... I can see that number expanding quickly before the end of this year.

How did I know I ascended?... I felt such a shift, clarity in my core that simply led me only to one totally obvious knowing... Ascension!... then at the moment of awareness, Adamus was there congratulating me with a warm embrace.

After Adamus's sharing on ‘Freedom’ last Sunday, he and I have had a few chats during which he has suggested that I share with you the experience of my personal ascension in the physical body. 

His reasoning behind this sharing is to assist Shaumbra in particular to recognize just how close they are to the awareness and acceptance of their personal ascension and that it doesn't look anything like what they thought... it's just a natural transition.

Adamus and some other AM's feel that if humans are aware of people they know and trust that have gone through their process, then it will encourage them more, make it more real, than just hearing/feeling it from a dis-embodied spirit through channel! 
There's so much encouragement from spirit at present to awaken to self and slide in on this new energy/new consciousness at this amazing time of transition/expansion. It really is time to just let all the old go and leap... 

The energy had been building over the past weeks since I left Australia... then after 7 weeks away, I went back to see my family and friends, so I thought... I know now I went back to clear the last of the family/ancestral karma and energy games and bring the final aspects home.

Final aspects she says?... yup!!!! So does that mean I don’t play anymore games? It’s curious that for those who ascend out of the physical and totally into self with no other beings around eg, like Adamus, there are no human feelings as such flowing through their ‘fabric’ of self to play games with. I’ve found that ascending in the physical is a little more experiential. While I have no aspect games going on, I’m not alone with myself. I still feel emotions in and around me. I still exist in a world of mass consciousness not the original ascended world of self. So, what I feel are behaviour patterns that might ‘capture’ you for a brief moment, but then because there’s no aspects to play, those behaviour are easily released… its sort of like playing out the final vibrations/echoes around old behaviours. Then when the behaviour is exhausted… it clears totally. There’s just no desire/need to play.

All games were played to gain energy from outside of self or give away energy. I have full awareness/experience now that all I ever need is totally within… not just a mental knowing, but an absolute acceptance and understanding in core levels.

On a physical side, I have a few aches and the occasional physical discomfort as my body acclimatises to ‘housing’ such a new consciousness and energy. I know that will all balance soon enough so I just allow and let them run their course. I feel there are also physical issues that are related to the ‘concepts’ of old behaviour patterns that are naturally and totally releasing themselves.

Because Natacha and I have shared many lifetimes together, my ascension has released any feeding patterns we shared from any of our lifetimes together. The clarity, love, playfulness that we share now has just amped up through the roof! I’ve never experienced such feelings with a partner before… such a deep, open heart connection…. and it just keeps expanding!

It’s amazing to be able to share this depth of self-love with another to the degree that the dance of love between you is felt in every cell and dimension of self. These feelings are also starting to manifest in all we do which is changing our lifestyle noticeably. The children are also making very noticeable shifts just from being in our energy. They are wonderful barometers of where and who we are.

Our home has also gone through changes as it seems after our first workshop we were informed by spirit that we opened a portal of higher learning… and you can feel it. It’s all just expanding bigger and ‘better’ each moment.
Adamus also answered my question/awareness that all the dimension leaping I did with Xena and in the AIPD over the past 2 years was greatly beneficial in bringing me to my ascension!
Currently I'm having fun playing with the illusion of the physical realm and the truth that everything here is our/my creation and the energy can be transformed into anything I choose anytime eg... the bed is not old and a bit uncomfortable, it's now transformed into a very comfortable new bed. It sure is a lot of fun creating with such open clarity.
Last week I gave 6 hours of free energy balancings/healings at the local Spirit Fair. My energy was more expanded than I've previously felt, yet I also felt totally grounded at the same time. My physical body however seemed to struggle with the expansions as the following day I had a few pains in my leg, hip and back joints, perhaps from being on my feet most of the day as well... but my energy remained expanded and grounded.

At one stage I was a little despondent as I knew my energy was somewhat disrupting Natacha especially as we slept. That caused me to feel deeper within to see if there were any old patterns raising their heads... perhaps a few momentarily, but as they have no aspects to play with and no old feeding patterns to rely on, they moved through quickly.

At one stage I felt, 'what is the purpose of ascending in the physical if it's disruptive to others around you?'... I also felt another old behaviour come up of 'It's lonely going through this by myself... again!'... but that release quickly also.

All up I guess it’s not a bad response from my first real day of expanding with the masses since my ascension.  

Something I really enjoy is how much my intuition has 'ammped' up and chatting with the ascended Masters is more common, or I'm more conscious of our chats. Also, lately my hearing and eyesight have begun to improve as the biological rejuvenation kicks in. Most noticeable regarding physical change is that my eyes are shifting in and out of their normal green/grey to very light blue.

Also on a human release, for the past year I've started snoring at night... not something I find comfortable as it affects my throat. I made a choice a couple of days ago to let it go... I then found old breathing patterns recognized from past smoking habits and 'little self' creations of asthma and bronchial issues... the physical asthma and regular bronchitis I released years ago but the breathing habits obviously stayed. On choosing that deeper physical release, the past few nights have been clear of snoring and my throat on waking, not uncomfortable at all. 

For now, I feel fully abundant in every meaning of the word and totally in a space of ‘natural’ creator ability. I have no needs or desires as such and my clarity of ‘seeing’ is just wonderful. Two other points that come to mind are that the process of ascension is no different to perhaps going from primary school to high school. There are no fanfares, levitation, fireworks or grand celebrations that rock the Universe… just a beautiful shift that’s very personal and just is.

Life on all levels and dimensions is bloody fantastic!!!

I would also like to include in these notes, some of the questions I’ve been asked by others and I welcome any other questions you may have.

Question: My biggest challenge is the fear, even though I know it's an illusion. Did you feel fear at that moment?

Sue Norman: I felt many emotions just prior especially since leaving my home town of 56 years and my children, grandchildren, friends, my work and clients... leaving all I thought I was for a new country, a new love, a new me.
Everything was thrown into a type of turmoil, but in doing so I was surprised at how natural it felt. There was no other clear, obvious choice in my heart. Letting go of everything had emotional attachments and there were tears, but tears of release not loss. I knew in my heart it was a time to recognize the emotions for what they were and to choose not be affected/controlled by them... that brought the final aspects 'home'. I stayed in the acceptance of my choice to be all that I am without push or desire. At the actual moment... I felt clear... I felt me... I felt real and yes, free.

Question: We are all thirsty to know, although we are all already ascended but not conscious of it according to me, how you deal with the BIG human issues= Health, money, manifestation of desires and then what new powers opened for you. Can you see spirits all the time now? Do you perceive more colours? Can you pass through walls? 
The last one was a joke.
I have more questions but I'm sure they will be answered either in a form of a blog or a book. For instance, do you feel bored

Sue Norman: How to attain health, money and power?… questions we’ve all wanted answered since… forever! My health isn’t an issue at all as I trust my body to keep finding balance. In the past I learnt to release cancers and asthma with the ease of choice… so I see no issues at all… and that’s my choice. I have manifested my abundance in the past couple of years. It was perfect timing so I could spend this time now just in the experience of ascension without abundance issues or needing to work… and that too was just a choice. I will add I released my abundance issues a few years back when I was on holiday in Bali. In Australia I was on the lower income levels, yet in Bali I was so incredibly rich. The only difference was my perception… so I changed it and my abundance came in. Remember, you can have a truck load of money, but still have abundance issues.

What new powers opened? None really. All that I am just expanded and became obvious. I had it in me the whole time. I just had to realise/remember that.

Do I get bored... no.
I haven't really done any work since being in NZ either. I just love living in the now, feeling the clear, expanded energies, chatting more clearly to spirit, understanding my body's needs and how old behaviours get stuck in a body and gradually come out. I’m just cruising in the now and choosing to be all that I AM. Natacha said this morning that I'm looking younger... I feel younger. I know it’s just a choice to let the biology balance and rejuvenate… so that is my choice. Now I leave that choice to manifest without any need to keep ‘affirming’ it.

Most of all I feel incredible depths of joy, I feel so much love and I seem to melt on the love energy... it’s so sensual.

Question: What’s the most important thing you learn in going into ascension?

Sue Norman: There are several things. Love and acceptance of self and all things as they are, the breath and trust. To ascend I had to go fully into myself, fully accept and love myself. Even tho I had a new loving partner, I focused on going into myself and that’s where I’d find her… never outside of myself. The more love I had for myself the more love I had for her… and everyone and everything else.

I had to leap through all the fears and negative behaviours and beliefs… I had to accept them and choose to do it all differently even when I didn’t know what it would look like… I just trusted. I laughed with myself when I fell into old patterns and let the new in. I had a lot of fun doing things differently and trusting it would all come together and it always did in exciting new ways beyond what my mind could have thought up.

By Sue Norman

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Heart2Heart On Abundance

Question: What I would really wish you could answer is the abundance issue. How an Ascended Master finds the money to buy the big house, the nice clothes, the good car, the tickets and the hotel for a trip to a spa, the furniture, the visits to the hair salon etc.
Adamus said the money that will come through an inheritance or an abundance manifestation in our life, we should invest in ourselves. What he means by that? Buy things to make us happier or use the money to start a small business? And what business would be that? I'm very puzzled about the matter of employment and money because I don't see how the money is going to find me if I don't act. How many people have to die so that I get richer? :o))))
Ok, I will inherit a house from my parents but I don’t want them to die. I want cash, so how a jobless ascended Master manifests the big, nice things just by doing alchemy and breathing in the potentials? We have to do a workshop, offer a service and do something, right?  Money will grow in his garden? Will he need a job or a service whatever to earn money or every time he needs it, a pay check will arrive. But how this miracle is going to happen and how the synchronicities work when you stay in the house all day and just enjoy being without moving your finger? I'm still wondering, not sure how the money will appear but I totally agree that most jobs are pure slavery and an Ascended Master should be free of this crap. Can I have money without working or I have to do something out there? Conclusion is: you have to do something.

Sue Norman: Conclusion is… you have to get out of your head and release the questions! Trust that you are already abundant and allow… that’s really doing something!

The first thing to accept is that you are already abundant. Your feelings/illusions of lack of abundance are just created for your human experience. Have you had enough of the experience of lack yet? If so, then make a new choice to embrace your abundance on all levels (not just finances) and in this amazing new energy, let that choice go free to create itself without any if’s, but’s or maybe’s. Then you just get on with your day in total acceptance of your abundance. If thoughts come in attached to a lack of abundance, just tell yourself that you don’t play that game anymore and let the thought go. The old thoughts gradually transform by themselves when you don’t play with them.

People keep their abundance separate from them by wanting to know how, when, where and why the abundance is coming from rather than just trusting it’s already there. The human mind has such a limited perception of how money can come in eg jobs, inheritance, lottery… The divine self has no limitations just a huge pool of new, untapped potentials for you to choose from.
Adamus asks you to invest in yourself. He invites you to love yourself unconditionally, to make grand choices not little human choices and then allow the abundance to flow in to match your grand choice. Your life is about you… invest in you! It’s your play, your stage, how abundantly will you design the sets and write the acts? And then when you choose to love yourself and let yourself be all that you are, a beautifully designed by-product develops where everyone can benefit from your ‘shining’, radiating, standard example.

As for material possessions, you don’t have to have a huge home in the best suburb or a flash car and nice clothes… but you know you can if you choose. I have these things now after a lifetime of ‘just enough’ and they’re great fun, but my real joy is what I feel within myself for myself… the love, the acceptance, the trust and the freedom on all levels. That’s real abundance and it has no price tag, it can’t be bought. You don’t need to seek your abundance because it’s already within you… you have that abundance just as you have the self-love, just as you have your ascension…. It’s all within you, it always was.

Then on the human side you say, “But there are still bills to pay and food to buy!” Yes there are and since I chose to stay in the physical I too have these ‘bills’. Personally, I don’t even think about them. I know they’re there, I accept that’s a part of human life and living so I just trust my abundance to balance it all out. I’ve got so much more to enjoy and play with and create without needing to focus on all the little human things.

True manifestation of abundance is based on just accepting and trusting your abundance is there and allowing it to manifest in the most appropriate way, which is usually outside the realms of basic human comprehension. Take internet banking and shopping; money spends more time these days being sent through the air on electronic energy waves. You actually have very little contact with actual physical money. Tap into that energy wave, put your hand up and direct some of that energy to you. Another game is to just choose money to ‘multiply’ in your purse. I never count my money, but I always have plenty in my purse. How many times have you gone to your wallet/purse and been surprised at money you didn’t know you had? You are an alchemist whether you accept it or not and so often you do little things to keep reminding self of that… then self often hands the praises over to ‘coincidence’.

Years back after my husband left me, I went to the government to assist me financially in raising my children. That was wonderful for a period as it allowed me space to ‘get my head together’. In time that assistance became controlling and abusive as most government institutions are. I still remember the inner shift I had when I went to the Government and told then I no longer wanted to trade handouts to seek jobs I would never choose to do. I also remember how they fought to keep me on their books and stay caught in their control. From that day of release, my healing/counselling/art therapy business suddenly took off and I never needed another’s assistance again… I always had enough.

Then the day came when I no longer wanted to just ‘have enough’. Soon after, my elderly Mother passed over and yes, there was inheritance, but I didn’t spend it as I still didn’t know how to handle abundance.  I was still caught in ‘just enough’. It wasn’t until my trip to Bali (that I wrote of previously 13-10-2012) that I realised abundance, wealth, was just a perception.

My inheritance sat there relatively untouched for quite a while. I still created enough abundance for my chosen lifestyle and I often wondered why so much money was there for me and what I would give myself. As the interest rose, so did my acceptance of abundance. Then the day of my deep self-acceptance and awareness finally came. With very little thought, I chose to leave my life as I knew it, and move to a new country to be with my new partner in a wonderfully grand home with grand car in a most beautiful setting that had in it all I’d ever wished for. None of this was by chance… it was all there and it all just fell into place magically for Natacha and I simply from our choice to be all that we are.

On the subject of inheritance, you know the potential is there for you, but you push it away by stating you don’t want your parents to die. I didn’t want my parents to die either but it was their choice and I know they are so very happy that they were able to assist me in becoming who I AM. (I’ve been in contact with my Mum often since she passed).  We all die… many times! Your choice to allow your inheritance to come in doesn’t mean you’re signing their death certificate! 

  As for work, well right now I’m just enjoying living and getting to know me, my partner, my new country and my new freedom more clearly. However, I know the time will come when I will want to do more… I feel the passion building already. But ‘work’ is not what I choose. I choose to enjoy what I do whether it’s working in a place of business with others or expanding my own business. I’m past doing things for money, but I’m also past doing things for no payment. What I’m doing here typing now has great ‘payment’ as what I’m typing teaches me more about me and perhaps it may even assist another… perhaps even you? So, whether you see work as work just to earn a wage or as a joy or new adventure, it’s up to you. Anything can be fun if that’s how you choose to perceive it. Then of course, it’s all just an experience and you can change that anytime you choose.
One last point… Removing the illusion of timeframes is also important in creating abundance. Be in the now… You ARE abundant now... you always were.

By Sue Norman 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Aspect Integration

People have always been fascinated by the potential of discovering their past lives. Some feel it will help them understand and accept their present life more easily, while some are just curious to see if they were history book items. Personally, I choose not to take clients searching for what was, as they may unwittingly find themselves lost in a melting pot of undecipherable past life weavings.

When going back into the past, the problem you seek to discover may have many interrelated issues invested in numerous past lives. With so many interconnections their exploration could end in a jumble of confusing emotional pain and mental stress.

There’s a much more comfortable and precise way to re-member self... through ASPECT INTEGRATION. Your past lives are simply aspects of self.  Instead of going into the past, you invite the past into the present.

Aspects seek to come ‘Home’ to you. It’s the healing of self in the now moment that brings your aspects ‘Home’. The more honour and acceptance you have of self, the more you integrate with self and the more you know self.

People live to experience life. Aspects are created for you to gain the knowledge of each experience. Every time a person chooses a new experience, they create a new aspect of themselves. For example, if you choose to play tennis, you create an aspect of yourself to learn and use the appropriate skills … not all of you is invested in the activity or else that’s all you would be.

People have thousands of aspects from the simplest task to the most difficult. You have aspects for cleaning your teeth, driving cars, doing your work, loving, cooking etc. Each time you repeat an activity, you call up the corresponding aspect. When you stop using an aspect it integrates back with you.

There are times however, when aspects don’t integrate back. Aspects fall into three categories, clear, grey and black. Clear aspects are those that you use regularly and have no real depth or emotional attachment eg, the showering aspect or eating aspect. When you finish showering or eating, those aspects freely come ‘Home’ with the information you created them for eg; the ‘how to’ information. Grey aspects are ones that have experienced a certain degree of pain. That pain can cause them to avoid going ‘Home’ as they may feel guilty about their experience. That grey aspect may stay stuck outside of you for many lifetimes until the issue is healed.

The dark aspects are the deeply affected ones. They’ve caused or suffered the most hurtful experiences. Dark aspects can feel so guilty over their experience that they actually reject ‘Home’. Only the deeper levels of love and compassion can release them from their horror.

Considering you create thousands of aspects in each lifetime… there’s a lot of you left ‘out there’… no wonder you’re not feeling whole and searching!

By healing yourself in this lifetime, your wounded aspects feel that acceptance and are drawn back ‘Home’. When a dark or grey aspect returns ‘Home’ only the knowledge it was created for returns, the emotions and pain are grounded. The more aspects you honour and lovingly welcome back to you, the more aware and accepting of self you become.

By Sue Norman

Friday, 7 June 2013

Grounding the New Energy

As part of my Open Heart Journey with Sue, I have become more aware of how I ground my energy down through my body and into the earth. Many of us are becoming quite proficient at bringing in large amounts of energy through the breath and through releasing emotional blocks and overlays. But often this energy is stored in the body and not taken all the way down and grounded effectively which can leave the receiver feeling very energized and ‘woozy’. This can be fun and certainly lets you know that ‘things are happening’, but can also leave you feeling a bit ‘frazzled’, especially after a few sleepless nights!

We are like an electric circuit; the universal energy flows in through the top of the head and wants to flow down the back of your spine and through your legs and out through the hands and feet. Emotions create blocks that interrupt this flow but our posture also affects the flow of energy through the body and so by adjusting the way we stand we can greatly improve the flow of energy through the body and assists with grounding it into the earth. Even wearing high heel tends to throw out this alignment, meaning you are not grounding yourself as effectively.

To notice this effect try the following exercise: First notice how you normally stand, notice your head, shoulders, chest. Notice the way your breath moves in and out, notice your lower spine, legs and how the connection between your feet and the floor feels.

Now stretch yourself up by the crown, as if there was a string attached to it. Notice as the back of your neck stretches, your chin drops slightly and your shoulders naturally move down and back. As the shoulders move back the chest opens up allowing a greater freedom of the breath moving in and out. Allow the back to arch and the pelvis to tilt forward, letting the belly soften and relax and letting  your bum stick out! Now take a moment to notice your legs and the connection between your feet and the ground, notice the energy flowing through you, from the top of your head down the back of the spine, into the legs and down to the feet. Are your feet tingling?!

To further assist with grounding my energy Quan Yin suggested going for more walks, so lately whenever I go for a walk I focus and breathe with my lower abdomen and I have been noticing an amazing energy flow through my legs as a result. ‘Conscious walking’ has been almost as much of a revelation to me as conscious breathing has been! I’m finding that with every step I feel the muscles, and bones move and as I am conscious of, and breathe into my lower abdomen I can feel myself grounding my energy and connecting with Gaya with every step.

Allow yourself to physically express the divine god/ goddess that you are by standing tall and proud at all times; this will do much in allowing this energy to manifest in you and to ground it in this reality!

By Natacha Anthoni

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Being Open and Honest

For some time Sue and I have been exploring the effect of being very open and honest about feelings and emotions on the open heart consciousness.
For me being more open and honest about my feelings has made a huge difference, as it has allowed me to release any insecurities and anxieties around my feelings and this has just allowed my heart to open more. It’s made me realise how we keep our hearts closed by not allowing ourselves to express our emotions honestly and openly for fear of retribution or judgement by others and to just express ourselves without being self-conscious or insecure.

When we only reveal or know part truths about ourselves or others we are close to, the ‘unknown’ which provides a fertile ground for aspects as they feed on uncertainty and insecurity. When we are completely open, honest and transparent about our feelings, emotions and motivations, this type of aspect behaviour disappears completely as the aspects no longer have anything to work with. The openness is like shining a light into the dark corners and the aspects just evaporate. Even when a lot of our emotions and feelings are aspect generated, such as anger, jealousy, insecurity, abandonment, etc, it is better to be open and honest about them than deny them. It doesn’t mean you’re playing with the aspect but you are acknowledging your humanness and embracing ‘all that you are’.

We tend to deny or suppress these type of emotions because we’re not proud of them; or believe they are not acceptable; or that they might be judged by another, and every time we do this we are judging ourselves and placing another restriction on our open hearted expression; placing another layer around the heart. To be able to continue opening the heart it is important to be open and honest and unselfconscious about all that we are. This might seem very challenging at first but it’s like a breath of fresh air when you do, and comes with a huge sense of freedom as there is no more hiding. It does require a very safe space; a very loving and supportive environment and a lot of courage to dig the skeletons out of your closet, and it can be difficult for others to share in your honesty, but it's really about you being honest with yourself. You have to live with you 100% of the time and if that isn't comfortable it's not self-accepting, not self-loving and not self-expansive.

By Natacha Anthoni

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Natacha and I have been travelling around the North Island since January 1st 2013. As we love exploring and creating abundantly and awesomely, we were very excited to see who or what would reveal itself to us as we intuitively travelled around and embraced the New Year and all the new consciousness potentials that had recently opened.

From the moment we began our journey one thing was very obvious… so many people we encountered were openly displaying intense fear in many, many varied forms. It’s really not surprising that fear should raise its head so dramatically as in this new consciousness we feel the deep inner call to release the old patterns, behaviours and beliefs at a core level.

It’s general human nature to avoid change, especially if it’s of an unknown source. Society, religion, governments and family over the lifetimes have taught us to conform and not take unknown risks. As our divine self comes closer and the awareness of our imminent ascension expands, we feel the deep desire to release the old. This new, core desire conflicts in our old mental patterns and creates fear. Fear can be intense and overwhelming or it can be subtle and disguised by various human excuses as to why change isn’t required. In truth it doesn’t matter if fear is intense or subtle or in-between… fear is fear and it’s an avoidance tool that we use to keep ourselves small and separate from our divine nature and self-truth.

Some fears we witnessed on our journey were old basic fears eg: fear of being robbed, fear of being late, fear of disease, fear of growing old, fear of missing out, fear of travel, fear of speaking your truth, fear of lack of abundance and fear of acceptance. These fears are on an old human level of mass consciousness. Then there were the fears felt by those seeking their ascension eg: of letting go of the human attachments, fear of stepping into new lifestyles, fear of new concepts, fear of releasing old family and cultural beliefs and patterns, fear of self-trust, fear of self-love and generally fear of the unknown. These fears were fed by old beliefs that you are separate from your divine and a fear that all this ‘Ascension stuff’ isn’t real or if it is, you won’t make the grade.

It truly is time for humanity to fully awaken. This is the time that both spirit and humanity have ‘lived’ to experience… the time when our divinity comes in to blend and dance with the human self on all levels… a total release of separation… a total acceptance of self and all things. You can feel it… everyone can at some level. It’s time to see the fear for what it is… a very thin veil which stand between you and all you are.

How do you release the fear? Firstly you need to recognise your fear, that’s easy… it’s that discomfort you feel in your physical body or the overwhelming chatter you hear in your mind.  It’s that voice in your mind that tells you that you can’t succeed when in your heart you feel you can. Fear is in that reflection when you can only see the little human self instead of the divine human you are. Fear is that discomfort when you do what another tells you to when you know it’s not what you want. Fear is the seemingly rational excuse you find to put something progressive off for another day.

It’s time to leap through these fears. The veil between the divine and the physical is fading and this new energy/new consciousness is here responding to your choices with amazing speed and fullness. If you live in fear, that’s what you are choosing so the fears will stay and intensify with the conflict. If you choose to release your fears they will come to you simply to be recognised and can be easily released. Stay in your safe space, stay in your trust, stay in your self-love and most of all… find the joy in this, your divine human process… find the joy in the release and find the joy in creating as a divine human.Just an interesting note... 2013 is the 'Year of the Snake'... the snake represents fear.  

We invite you to share with us here what your fears are or were. Together we can assist each other to release them. Also, if you feel you would like to work through these fears one-on-one we can assist you in a session in person or on Skype.

By Sue Norman