The Soul and the Human
This morning was a glorious,
sunny winters day and I felt the deep inner desire to go for a walk and breathe
with myself. Sometimes I get a bit slack with my conscious breathing as life is
filled with so much to experience. A
sure sign I need to slow down and be with self is feeling soreness in my knees…
they say ‘Slow down and be with self’… finally I listened.
When I breathed into where I
would wander, I immediately felt it would be Zealandia. Zealandia is an amazing
wildlife sanctuary just 5 minutes’ drive from my home where you can see some of
New Zealand's rarest birds, reptiles and insects living wild in their natural
I sat on a small wooden bridge the rainforest section of the valley. My feet dangled just inches from the clear bubbling stream. I was surrounded by tree ferns and a variety of smaller ferns and soft moss and lichen. The trees above were filled with birds singing and flitting around catching insects. Their songs complimented the bubbling stream. The only other sound I was aware of was my conscious breath. This is my most favourite of all spaces to be in and I’m so over joyed I created it in my life.
As I breathed, I felt such peace.
I felt so connected to myself… so much so that I became very conscious of a
conversation going on between my soul self and my human self. My soul, in all
it’s playfulness and little or no understanding of human needs or comforts,
wanted to jump into the stream and follow it on it’s journey. My human self was
much more ‘sensible’ and reserved.
“You don’t know what cold is do you?” said my human self. “No way are you
getting me in that freezing water. I’d have to walk all the way back to the car
dripping wet!”
I could feel my soul wanting the
experience so much that I nearly leapt in, yet the human stood it’s ground.
Then soul looked through the
ferns and saw the tall trees. It wanted to climb them.
“Do you know how difficult and
exhausting it would be to climb those old pine trees? There are no lower
branches to start with.” said the human self.
I found the conversations amusing.
The soul was like the fearless child and the human was the fear burdened parent.
The soul soon lost interest in
the trees, not because of the practical human self, but because its attention had
shifted to the birds… to flying!
Interestingly, the human self had
no qualms about flying and put up no argument. It too would love the
experience. When I’ve had flying dreams in the past, I was always upset when I
woke and realised it wasn’t real… it felt soooo real.
As a compromise, soul and human agreed to imagine the experience together. It was so beautiful! A true blending of soul and human self’s such as I’ve never consciously experienced before. I could feel the sensation of flight. It was even more real than my dreams. I could also feel a deeper shift and self-acceptance and self-awareness. I could feel the unconditional self-love on so many more levels.
Eventually, I came ‘back’ from my
experience and I wandered a little further upstream still feeling the joy of my
flight. I came across another small bridge. I breathed into my core and into my
joy. I then found myself feeling into the past 2 weeks. Something had happened
that had brought me more into myself. Something had happened that had deepened
my love for Natacha. Something had happened that had caused me to embrace my expanded
family even more. Something had happened that had me more deeply aware of my
journey of choice. Something had happened that had me falling deeper into love
and gratitude of all things…
Just as I was feeling into all
this ‘something’… it struck me… the earthquakes! The reason so much has changed
is due to all the releasing energies coming up from Gaia... not just releasing
the stuck energies but more awesomely, she was releasing all the new
consciousness energy that had been stored away from the beginning of time just
waiting for humanity to reach this time of new expanded consciousness. It’s
been 13 days since the first quake. We’ve been getting on average around 30 a
day in varying degrees since then. They’re all centred in the Cook Straight
where Natacha and I know the 'Heart' of New Zealand resides and it’s only 10-20
kms from us in Wellington. Wellington is the capital of NZ and the governing
centre of the land. If there’s stuff to be released and changed, the country's
capital is a good place to do it.
These earthquakes are creating such amazing shifts on so many levels and they are occurring with very little damage even from the big ones. We know this shift can be graceful and gentle. Nothing needs to be destructive any more. Ease and grace is the way in this new consciousness.
With so much shaking, nothing
feels solid or ridged anymore... it's all becoming flexible... within Gaia and
within self. It's all quite exciting when
you relate how the earth changes are affected by you and how the earth changes
affect you... an amazing dance of energies heralding a new change of
consciousness, of energy and all that is.
Soon after this awareness came
up, the little bridge I was standing on began to move and shake under my feet. I
could feel the energy of yet another earthquake... it was a strong one, 4.9,
yet it had a gentleness about it. It was almost as if it was acknowledging my
new awareness. It’s amazing how something like an earthquake which usually ignites
fear into the human, is seen as a gift when the soul and the human blend and
dance with self-acceptance.
Today is a wonderful day.