Friday, 12 December 2014


by Sue Norman

I often hear people talk about their ‘Parking Angels’ (PA) and how when they jump into their car and drive off to their destination, they ask their PA for a suitable park. There’s little surprise when they arrive at the shops, or wherever they are headed, that someone pulls out of a park just in time for them to cheerfully pull in. They may also feel a little bit special because they have their own PA.

There are those who ‘scoff’ at this form of creation and spend their precious ‘shopping time’ driving around in circles cursing the cars who pull into a park ahead of them when they were most definitely there first. Many shopping areas have a high rate of ‘Parking Rage’ because people generally believe that they will struggle to get a park in a busy area. Some people simply don’t go out on a weekend because they ‘know’ they won’t get a park.

Yet, for those who do believe, their Parking Angel is a wonderful and magical part of their lives. They trust their PA to come through each time, and it usually does. If it doesn’t, a suitable excuse can be found, such as “someone needed it more.”

Whether they steer into their park or not, for a PA believer it’s more than just about parking, it’s a sign that there is ‘more’ to life, ‘more’ out there than just coincidence. It’s a clear indication that there is a world beyond the physical where Angels hear you and assist you.

While I believe in Angels and chat with them often about all manner of things, I personally have a different ‘take’ on PA’s.  For me, I know that when I choose to drive somewhere I’ll naturally get a park, not because an Angel assists me, but because it’s simply a part of my choice to drive somewhere.

As soon as you choose to experience or create something, energy naturally attaches to that choice and creates an energetic path that flows to the completion of the experience you chose. It’s the natural ‘rule’ of creation. For example, today I chose to drive into the heart of the city to shop at a particular store. I knew that when I made my choice to drive to the city that someone would also be making the choice to leave and the timeframes would coincide so that as they left, I would pull into their park. It was late morning on a Saturday close to Christmas, so there were many cars searching for parks. I confidently drove straight into ‘my park’ right outside the shop I chose to be at.

My parking success didn’t occur because I asked someone/something outside of myself to create for me, it’s because I understand that I am my own creator. I create all that I experience in my life and I let the energies serve me in the manifestation of my choices.The only way that my creations won’t occur is if I “If’ and “But” over my choice. As soon as you doubt yourself, the energy pathway you created dissolves. Stay in trust of yourself.

So, the next time you go driving, make a choice to accept that you will be creating your own park simply from your choice to be somewhere. Creating the park is just a natural ending to your choice to be somewhere.

Now, how empowering does it feel to be consciously aware that you are your own Parking Angel?