Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Will the Real Me Please Stand Up?

This weekend I gifted myself a weekend away by myself. The school holidays have been very busy and I was feeling run down and shut down and I really wanted some time and space to myself to re-balance.

I found this lovely Bed and Breakfast in Eastbourne which was just perfect with lots of space to myself. I had my own lounge with a view over the harbour, a fireplace and a spa in the garden! I usually shy away from B&B’s because when I want time to myself to rebalance I’m mostly pretty unsociable, but in Eastbourne there are no other options and the bonus was a beautifully prepared breakfast in the morning which took the self-pampering to a whole new level!

It was so blissful to kick back in my own space, to please no-one but myself. Being away from home really allowed me to feel into my own energy and to break away from the various family energy dynamics, and not just for a couple of hours but for a couple of days! Going away from home means there are no temptations to do chores or work, there’s nothing around you to remind you of what needs to be done, giving yourself full permission to totally focus on self and be completely self-full. Time to just breathe, sleep, pamper and love self and just BE! Without any demands on my time I allowed my soul to lead and focused on just what my soul wanted to do or eat.

How much can you allow for yourself? Do you allow nice things into your life or beautiful possessions or do you ‘make do’? Do you allow things to unfold just perfectly or do you self-sabotage your experience by allowing little things to go wrong or irritate you? We know that energy is here to serve us but can you allow yourself to be pampered by someone else?  As you read this, do you find yourself saying ‘yes but..  I’m too busy/ I don’t have the money/ my family needs me..’? These are all ways of affirming that you don’t think you deserve a better experience, and serve to limit your experience. How much are you willing to receive? Every moment is an opportunity to choose what we are willing to receive in our life.

This was a gift to myself because I love myself and for no other reason than that. I don’t need to justify it in anyway by saying I ‘deserve it’ or ‘I need it’, it is just a gift from the heart and what a gift! I will definitely be doing this again!

So much time to myself also allowed me plenty of time to contemplate. Lately I have been focussing on being more ‘real’, but I found myself asking; what is ‘real’, and who is the ‘real’ me?  Is it the things I feel comfortable with, identify with, or aspire to? When I’m at home I’m a Mum, a partner and an Interior Designer, but now I’m away and on my own, all those roles fall away and I found a tendency to want to revert back to who I was before all those things came into my life.  So who is the real me when there are no external expectations or references to shape my experience of myself?

Through completely getting away from it all for a couple of days and spending time with myself, pleasing just me, I rediscovered things that I like and parts of me that I had forgotten. We tend to make compromises in relationships and with the people in our lives and after a while we forget what we used to like and do. But I have been a Mum for 11 years and some-one’s partner for more than 27 years! So were these rediscovered parts of myself the real me or a just a memory, an aspect? And if they are does that make them any less me?

But as I continued to ponder the question of who is the real me, it came to me – it doesn’t matter – these questions are really just musings of the mind wanting to label something; to put it in a box.

I believe the real me is when you leave your head out of it and follow your heart. It’s the things you get excited about, the things that fill your heart with joy, the things your soul wants to do, or just be, I think that’s the real me.. So based on that, the things I’m identifying with this weekend would be the real me because they have brought me great joy!

‘I Am that I Am’ in any given moment and as long as I follow my soul and follow my heart than that is who I am and all I ever need to be!

by Natacha Anthoni