Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Awakening Castle Hill… Awakening Self

Sue’s Perspective


From the moment Natacha and I chose to go to Castle Hill, many energies came into play that made us realise we were to put out an invitation for others to join us. Eleven people from around New Zealand also felt the call and responded almost immediately.

For the several weeks before our physical journey began, the energetic journey was well under way. Information on a human and divine level came to us constantly through books, channelled art, toning/songs from Waitaha and conscious inner self-awareness.

The core of the information was that it was time to release separation on all levels (masculine and feminine, light and dark etc.), accept all things as they are and embrace self-love in the now moment. Through the total acceptance of self and all things, one comes into the new consciousness and creates the new energy by which they manifest their grander choices. It’s the vibration of the new consciousness that resonates with the energy of Castle Hill and creates an unlocking effect that allows the portal of higher learning that is embodied in the stone structures to flow forth. This energy was placed within this space at the time of creation by us for us. We knew we would open it at the appropriate time, the time when our levels of consciousness, the key, matched the levels required to ‘open the lock’ to shift humanity and the 3rd dimensional world into the 5th dimension.

When people open portals it’s usual to close them again behind them, however in this case, it’s time for the portal at Castle Hill to now stay open. This stream of energy flowing across the world will touch each person and wait patiently for each to feel it, embrace it and activate it as they each awaken and step into their enlightenment.


Our physical journey began on Friday 8th of November 2013. Natacha and I arrived early morning at the Wellington Airport to catch our flight to Castle Hill. Soon after we arrived, we realised all flights were delayed due to heavy fog. I chose not to be caught or play in such potentials as we were committed to our journey. We breathed and allowed. The fog cleared just long enough for the circling plane to land and take off again with us on it.

On arrival at Christchurch we met up with 3 others who had flown from Auckland and Hamilton. Soon after, we began receiving calls that the other 8 members were fogged in at Wellington and flights were cancelled for the rest of the day. After several phone calls, the 8 managed to get in contact with each other (most hadn’t met prior to this journey) and re-organise themselves. Four stayed at the airport on standby and by late afternoon created flights. The other 4 chose to wait until morning.

It was interesting to feel the energies all starting to come together and intensify as each group gradually arrived at Castle Hill. The first weary 4 came in late on the Friday evening and the final 4 arrived at midday on the Saturday. We all finally came together quite intuitively on the Saturday (as there was no mobile signal) at the area known as ‘The Marae’ (the meeting place).

It was wonderful to hear all their stories of how the fog had opened them up in various ways to grander personal awareness and that there were no feelings of frustration or ‘too hard’… just acceptance and allowing their higher choice to manifest.  I felt very honoured to be in the company of such remarkable people. Each person found something within themselves to assist them through this challenge


As I mentioned before, our sharing with Castle Hill began when we first made the choice to be there. That sharing intensified greatly as we drove towards our destination and physically saw for the first time in the distance, the unique stone monoliths standing proudly along the ridge of Castle Hill. My  heart leapt as I felt my energies rise, lighten and intensify all at the same time.

We parked the car and excitedly headed up the path towards the energetically carved sculptures. Two beautiful trees stood proudly by the path. They resembled Guardians. As I approached the first one, I was stopped by the presence and asked why I was there. I honoured the guardians and replied that I was on a journey of the heart… they were satisfied and I felt their welcome wash over me. I was then asked why the others were there and I replied they would have to ask them. I felt a playful energy run through me.

I’m not sure it would be possible to share through words all that was experienced over the 3 days at Castle Hill. The intense feelings of peace, comfort, belonging and joy were very obvious to us all. I felt very nurtured and centred within myself. We were also very aware that we were surrounded and guided by spirit at every turn. Each rock and boulder that we sat next to, laid on and shared with seemed to have its own unique vibration and story to impart. There were totems to guide us and images to spark our imaginations and awareness at each turn. One rock had grasses growing on it in the shape of my golden pendant that I had made especially for me a few years ago to signify balance. There was a formation that resembled Quan Yin where I experienced such a depth of self-love and compassion. There were sticks and rock formations in the shape of snakes and serpents that caught my eye constantly, a symbol close to my heart. I found it delightful that when I actually found a large heart shaped rock to lay on and when I looked around, it was next to a large, long rock shaped as a serpent. We shared a great deal on awakening and transformation.

Even the passing cloud formations seem to be sharing stories and potentials with us as the sun and the wind shaped then and gave them added dimensions. Every experience was enhanced even more by the constant and delightful song of the Sky Lark. As it flew high into the air in full song you could feel the shift of energies spiralling around it and within self as it led you from one experience/awakening to another.

While the lower areas of Castle Hill, held so much to experience and were relatively easy to climb around, it was the formations up the hillside and across the ridge that called to many of us very strongly. The area along the ridge is said to be the place of higher learning and when one felt ready they would make that journey. The climb was steep and demanding. At regular intervals there were large stones which emanated various energies that could be tapped into. In a way they resembled chakras and our journey took us from the base chakra to the crown chakras and the expanded knowledge. Each of these chakra stones offered a specific energy and rest spot for you to reflect on your climb in the quest for higher learning.  

While I felt various energies and minor shifts from the various rocks on our climb, it was the heart chakra stone that had the greatest affect. As soon as I sat down next to it, I felt my heart pounding beyond the intensity from the climb. It was a penetrating and very physical feeling which was extremely uncomfortable. After about 10 minutes of breathing, the sensation lessened and I realised I’d had a heart opening. It was like spiritual surgery that opened and strengthened my heart on all levels.  

Once we reached the ridge, the energy changed again. For me it was like breathing in in a whole new way. The tiredness of the climb fell away as I took everything in. The view in all directions was so beautiful, but it’s not what had my attention. Actually I’m not sure anything did… it was more like I was just a part of the whole space… of everything. Nothing was individual or separate. I remembered back to what spirit had said the underlying motivation of this journey was before we left… it was to release the separation and to embrace acceptance of all things.

In a way, walking around and feeling into and sharing with all the rocks on the ridge of castle Hill was like coming Home… the journey back to self… remembering the truth of self.

The higher learning that was there to be accepted/opened is the acceptance of the truth of you. Once you accept self, you can then accept all things and all peoples as they are. It’s in the release of separation and judgement and through the acceptance of all things that balance comes to all of Creation. As that balance is felt, you and All That Is expand into the new consciousness.


It’s been 3 weeks since we left Castle Hill. I’ve not written about the trip until now because the experience is still creating shifts within and grand changes are flowing into my life on all levels. I’m very consciously aware that a much deeper, clearer ‘knowing’ has awakened within me. I’ve always been one to consciously expand myself and release limitations as they appear… but what I feel now is so much deeper. My senses both human and divine have expanded and when I breathe I truly feel all things are open to me with no limitation, I truly feel that I AM THAT IAM.